My Thoughts Being Heard

Relationships are fragile. They are unique. They are special. Relationships keep us motivated. They force us to better ourselves. And they teach us about ourselves. This semester I want to focus on the relationships in my life and why they matter and I hope that comes out through my content. I have many very important people in my life and I would certainly not be the same person without them.

My family means more to me than anything in this world and being away from them is not easy. They are my rock. They have made many sacrifices for me and I have begun to understand the true importance of family and the relationship between my family and myself. Every family is different. Every family is special. I hope to show you exactly how special my family truly is.

My friends are crazy. My friends know exactly who I am and that is way too much for many people. My friends care for me and about me as I do for them and we have made so many memories together that I hope I can even give you a glimpse into our crazy, funny, chaotic lives. The times we have shared have been unreal and those are the moments who really define who we are in life.

I believe that relationships are the most important aspect in a person’s life and to be able to share that is really the best way to define yourself. It has been said that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. If that is true I am thrilled to be who I am because the people who I keep in my life always have smiles on their faces and are always laughing and cracking jokes and that is what I believe life to be all about. There is plenty of stuff to bring us down in life but the people who surround us should bring us up and my friends and family are always there for that. They are the one who define who I am and this is just my thoughts being heard.